8 TINY Things Video Games Do That Drive Us Crazy

3. Uncomfortably Slow Text

assassins creed odyssey

In this day and age there are a lot of debates to be had about performance and fidelity modes in games as well as graphical options to be tweaked. That's a topic for another day though as there are still games that miss incredibly obvious choices in their settings.

This one in particular isn't limited to but certainly goes out to fans of JRPGs, which remain one of the few genres that often have reams of conversation text to read through as not everything is necessarily voice-acted.

Persona 5 is a fantastic example of doing things right as the game is over 100 hours long. Not only does it move by fast as is, if you ever wanted to play it more than once, you can quite simply press the start button to fast-forward all conversation up until the player is asked to make a dialogue choice. The game's script thousands upon thousands of pages long and you can breeze through it if needs be.

Pikmin 4, though not a JRPG, is a recent source of frustration. In it's first few hours, as displayed by the game's demo, there is a lot of waffling. Some of it is tutorials for the mechanics but it's increased further by dialogue that is there to build the personalities of the cast. This is fine, but the fixed text speed crawls along which results in much mashing of the A button and wondering after the first two hours if you want to buy the full game at all.

You can basically feel your brain in danger of turning to sludge before you finally get proper control of the experience.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.