8 Utterly PATHETIC Video Game Weapons (We Can't Stop Using)

2. Klobb - GoldenEye 007

Goldeneye klobb

By any sensible metric, the Klobb is the consensus worst weapon in N64 classic GoldenEye 007.

The submachine gun has a low rate of fire and shambolic accuracy level, making it pretty much the worst weapon for most engagements with CPU and flesh-and-blood players alike.

It has an infamous enough rep among even the game’s own developers that GoldenEye director Martin Hollis actually called it a “noisy water pistol.”

But what makes such a fundamental dud of a gun impossible to resist is the dual-wield ability in the single-player campaign, allowing you to put a Klobb in each hand and spray-and-pray at an impending fleet of blocky goons.

Between this, the weapon’s distinct look, unique sound, and sheer clunkiness, it has a lot of charm going for it that even some of the game’s better guns don’t. You’d never want to use it in a desperation scenario, but in this case personality certainly goes a long way.

It’ll make you feel like a badass for a few scattered seconds as you shout “It’s Klobberin’ time!” at a mate during couch co-op, until you realise they’re rocking a Golden Gun or, well, literally any other weapon in the game.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.