8 Video Game Achievements Made IMPOSSIBLE By RNG
5. Sinking Ships - Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Now if I'm being truly honest here, the battleship inspired mini-game from The Wind Waker doesn't truly qualify for this list, seeing as you don't pop an achievement for completing this horrendous RNG Nightmare, but seeing as you do get a reward for completing it in under twenty shots I'm going to fudge the rules a little here.
Plus after losing quite literally hours to a mini-game I quite literally wish I could drown, I really need to get this off my chest.
This aqua-based board game will turn oceans to steam with the rage of untold amounts of gamers, as thanks to the placement of the Octos you need to shell back to hell, you can end up with placements that defy all logic.
Sinking Ships has sunk the hopes and dreams of many would-be speedrunners looking to claim the hidden Treasure Chest and has been responsible for the utter obliteration of world record runs.
The sound of Salvatore saying "Sploosh" over and over is something that will permeate your nightmares, getting louder and louder each time as it becomes the White Whale you can never bring down quick enough.