8 Video Game Bloopers The Developers LEFT IN

6. Army Men: Sarge's Heroes (1999)

"How can a game based around plastic toy soldiers be taken seriously?" you may be thinking. Well, for the most part, it can't. And that just adds to the fun.

What sets this entry apart is that every male character in the game is voiced by the same person: legendary voice actor Jim Cummings. It must have got awfully boring in the studio recording virtually the entire game's dialogue by his lonesome, and so, in that age-old human tradition, hilarity was bound to ensue.

It seems the sound engineers just wound the man up and watched him go, as the stuff he comes out with is not only comedy gold, but usually stays in character and even makes reference to the game's events.

It's essential viewing - so much so that the developers even took the time to create fully animated scenes for each of Cummings' tangential ramblings.

With army shooters of today being mostly stone-faced multiplayer money-makers, it gives us no end of satisfaction to remember one that confidently said, "At ease."

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.