8 Video Game Bloopers The Developers LEFT IN

5. L.A. Noire (2011)

There's an argument to be made that the more serious a game is, the less organically it lends itself to outtakes. Or, at least, letting them see the light of day. 2010's L.A. Noire, however proves that even games to which the integrity of their stories is everything can be enriched by a nice dose of self-aware humour.

The blooper reel for this game is so amazingly well-crafted that you could easily be fooled into thinking it's not a blooper reel at all. L.A. Noire's unprecedented level of motion capture animation is put to full use here, making it distinguishable from the real meat of the game only by its character breaks and surprised laughter.

Amazingly, the developers even mo-capped the tongue movements of the voice actors, which makes it all the more funny when you see the characters flub their lines and devolve into the typical habit of stretching their mouths into all manner of weird shapes.

That, and have you ever seen a motion capture sneeze before? Well, now you've seen two.

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LA Noire
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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.