8 Video Game Bloopers The Developers LEFT IN

4. Sam & Max Series (2006-2010)

Before Telltale Games brought us the haunting interactive horror-drama series, The Walking Dead, one of the more popular exports they were known for was Sam & Max, an episodic adventure saga that mixes satirical humour with undercover sleuthing and, of course, anthropomorphic antics.

Owing to its tongue-in-cheek tone, the series is known for its elaborate blooper reels, which feature on all three episodes of the story arc. They're not ordinary outtakes, either, for, like Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, the animators have specifically designed the scenes to resemble those of a film shoot, complete with green screens, microphones creeping into the shot, and laughter from crew members off-camera.

Most of these bloopers come from the incredibly verbose rabbit, Max, whose voice actor repeatedly struggles to squeeze out the tongue twister-like sentences he often has to say. So frequently does Max mess up his lines that one scene even shows Sam, his canine partner, flipping him off with a pixelated paw.

It's safe to say that, without these little extras that have made the Sam & Max series so beloved, the games would only be half as enjoyable.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.