8 Video Game Bloopers The Developers LEFT IN

3. Half-Life - PS2 Version (2001)

Is it just me, or are bloopers infinitely funnier when they're coming from much less realistic-looking character models?

As innovative as the original Half-Life was, the actors behind the various scientist voices were, thankfully, not all business during the recording of their lines. And in the files of the PS2 version of the game exist a series of gut-bustingly dry outtakes from the traditionally humourless boffins of Black Mesa.

Beginning with two characters gushing over the game's new and updated graphics, we then get to hear a scientist repeatedly calling Gordon Freeman "Gorman", another singing to himself about his job, and two more sitting at a huge console and commenting that they have no idea what any of the buttons do.

What's more, some of the outtakes from the expansion, Half-Life: Decay, are actually present in the released game for all the world to hear, including Keller's very helpful line of, "Good job for doing previous stuff. Let's get ready to do...new stuff."

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.