8 Video Game Bloopers The Developers LEFT IN

2. Freedom Planet (2014)

Who'd have thought that a 2D platforming game originally conceived as a Sonic the Hedgehog derivative would eventually find its own hybrid identity of sci-fi and fantasy and bring with it a whole bunch of secret in-game outtakes?

The unique selling point of these particular bloopers is that they're incorporated right into the game's main narrative, not requiring you to delve into the extras menu or the game files and disrupt the pace of the story. Just by pressing the special attack button during select cutscenes, you'll occasionally get to see a mucked-up version of that scene play out right in front of your eyes.

One of the game's main characters, Lilac, is the biggest offender here, giving us more bum takes to enjoy than any other character combined. As the text above her cuts off in time with her blunders, watching her face change to either embarrassment or sheer disbelief is a cute and relatable little reward for the more observant player.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.