8 Video Game Bloopers The Developers LEFT IN

1. Uncharted: Golden Abyss (2011)

And so, here we have the mother of all in-game bloopers; the most fiendish of finds that that likely had you jump out of skin and laugh awkwardly before taking a moment and finally going, "Ohhhh, now I get it..."

Those of you who didn't miss out on Uncharted: Golden Abyss because of its stupid PS Vita exclusivity may still have let this particular easter egg pass you by. The reason for this is that it only appears on Crushing difficulty, which only the truly masochistic would think to opt for on their first playthrough.

In the area of the Golden Abyss itself is the body of Esteban the Moor, an explorer from a time long past who went in search of the forgotten place. On a...sane difficulty, the reaction of Nathan Drake and Marisa Chase upon finding him is little more than, "Oh look, it's Esteban". But on Crushing difficulty, Chase in particular sings quite a different tune.

The body jumps up from its throne and screams, giving the poor woman the fright of her life. The laughter you hear afterwards from crew members out of sight, followed by Marisa shouting "You guys!", makes it gradually dawn on you that this is all just an outtake, sneakily woven into the story and enough to fool even one of the mo-cap actors themselves.

Isn't it a shame that more video games haven't tried this out?

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.