8 Video Game Bugs That Became Features

2. Hitman 2

Hitman 2 briefcase
IO Interactive

IO Interactive, developer of basically every Hitman game ever made (including the series first, Hitman: Codename 47), are no strangers to inserting bugs as features into their titles.

The infamous "Allen Please Add Details" mistake that first featured in Hitman: Blood Money has reached meme status over the years, to the point that it has featured in several of their titles since.

A more modern bug that eventually developed into a feature first popped up in 2018's Hitman 2.

Due to how thrown weapons were programmed, a lot of items tracked the enemies for an absurd amount of time when thrown, sometimes across the entire map.

The most beloved weapon that featured this bug was the briefcase, which when thrown, zeroed in on any target at a comically slow speed regardless of how far away they were and how far they ran.

Whilst this was eventually patched out, the developers loved the bug so much they added a "Homing Briefcase" weapon in a later update to replicate the effect.

Said briefcase acted exactly the same as it did before the bug was patched, tracking down and killing any target with ruthless efficiency.

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