8 Video Game Bugs That Became Features

3. Super Smash Bros.

Hitman 2 briefcase

"Wavedashing" refers to a somewhat advanced technique many pro players use in Super Smash Bros Melee. The technique allowed certain characters to slide long distances, and players consider it widely superior to dashing as it allows players to cancel a wavedash into any ground action while still moving horizontally.

In an interview with Nintendo Power, series director Masahiro Sakurai noted that he was well aware of Wavedashing being used by pros. Sakurai actually disliked the unintentional mechanic stating that it led to a wider skill gap between casual and advanced players. As a result, it was removed from every Super Smash Bros game that followed Melee.

Wavedashing eventually did make a return in the most recent Smash Bros release, Super Smash Bros Ultimate. However, the mechanic has been completely revised.

Due to the several changes made to how jumping works in the new game, wavedashes take longer to start up due to directional air dodges taking five frames to start up.

Characters also have much better traction than in Melee, leading the slide part of the wavedash being shortened to the point of non-existence. Still, it's inclusion leaves Smash players one less thing to complain about. Just don't mention Fire Emblem around them.

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