8 Video Game Characters Hiding Terrible Secrets

4. The Citizens Of Covenant - Fallout 4

No More Heroes

When you grow up in the irradiated wastes that make up the Fallout games, you'll quickly learn that honesty and trust are both hard to come by and are likely to get you killed by the numerous other survivors just looking to make it through the day.

Therefore when it comes to picking a dark secret from a character within this franchise it's actually an easier task to rule out who doesn't have one. From secret synths to mass murderers hiding in plain sight, Fallout as a whole is basically a monstrous statement on "don't trust what you see".

Except for Fallout 76 which looked and indeed was like a piece of trash.

However I digress, as today we're not looking at just one dirty secret being hidden by a sole character, but a bunch of them that a whole town would care to forget. Say hello to the settlement of Covenant, an almost idyllic location set in Fallout 4 where aside from some wear and tear seems to be doing really well.

Yet beneath the smiles of the inhabitants, it turns out that Covenant has a dark secret, in that they've been drawing in and killing synths in an effort to purge them from the Wasteland. So why is this a bad thing I hear you ask? Technically synths aren't alive and they are used as weapons by The Institute, so chuck them on the scrappy right?

Well, problem is, that the testing methods the town uses to judge whether you're going to be turned into spare parts are a little hit and miss, and from time to time regular humans end up getting the chop. As such the entire town is something of a mass grave of broken synths and butchered bodies. Grim right?


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.