8 Video Game Characters Hiding Terrible Secrets

3. Jeane - No More Heroes

No More Heroes
Marvelous Entertaiment

In a world where pretty much everyone you meet would merc you for the cost of a Happy Meal, it's little surprise that some of the characters in No More Heroes are harboring some pretty dark secrets.

Yet Jeane, who you meet fairly late into the original title is strangely an exception to this rule, as she manages to tell her absolutely horrific backstory to the player, but the game itself chooses to mask the information thus hiding it from our precious ears.

And trust me, there's a reason why Travis fast forwards the speech so as not to "jack up the age rating" as it's a tale of sexual molestation, sex trafficking, and bloody, bloody revenge. If you're morbidly curious you can actually slow down this section to hear all of the gruesome events, but once you do, you'll realize why Travis was making such a shocked face in those scenes.

It's played for laughs in a black humor style originally but here? it's just horrible!


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.