8 Video Game Characters Who Desperately Need Therapy

5. GLaDOS - Portal

The Last of Us Part 2 Ellie

As absurd as it might sound to therapise an AI, this is probably a notion that'll seem a lot less ridiculous in the years to come. And at least in the case of Portal's GLaDOS, we know that she's kinda-sorta based on an actual person.

Portal 2 heavily implies that the basis of GLaDOS' personality was built from Aperture CEO Cave Johnson's assistant Caroline, likely against her will. 

But it's also clear that GLaDOS isn't simply Caroline in digital form - she's passive-aggressive, sarcastic, and once you start tinkering around with her personality cores, totally unhinged.

GLaDOS is blatantly lacking in emotional regulation tools even when you leave her cores alone, and while she speaks to - or rather, at - the player at great length throughout both Portal games, it's evident she probably needs to talk to someone who isn't trying to escape a series of death traps.

With AI therapy being all the rage these days, one can't help but wonder if it might be a perfect fit for GLaDOS.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.