8 Video Game Characters You Should Never Fall In Love With

3. Robin And Marie - The 11th Hour

final fantasy 7 crisis core zack

What is it about puzzle-based video games and them having some of the wildest narratives in the business?

Harvester, DarkSeed, Monkey Island, all of the stories of these games, and many more are just absolutely mad when you plot them out on paper, and the 11th Hour is no exception.

Telling the tale of a haunted house that eats people to feed a demon living within it and impregnating others in order to birth willing accomplice to bring people into said house, the 11th Hour really doesn't pull any punches when it comes to creating a rather horrible setting. And that's before you engage with the head-scratching puzzles that will have you completing tasks that feel totally out of sync with reality.

Oh and all the cutscenes here are live-action, so enjoy a smorgasbord of acting so awful you'll be begging for a three-hour interpretive dance and screaming arthouse night to take the edge off.

It's this detachment from sanity that also informs the characters of the game, all of which have an air of nastiness about them, and none of whom you should trust with your breakfast order let alone your life, but seeing as Carl Denning is a man in need of some loving, he has actual romantic choices scattered throughout the game all of which inform the ending the player gets.

Now I won't lie to you, there's only a very slim chance you'll get the good ending of this game on the first run, seeing as the two clear romantic choices presented, that of Robin and Marie will lead to your eventual death. One of these is less surprising than the other seeing as Marie is one of the aforementioned house babies looking to get new victims in so if you chose her after all you knew you are an idiot, but Robin's ending which sees you end up face down in the Hudson river with her as the prime suspect is a little shocking.

I say this because she's meant to be your actual romantic partner. Cheers Robin, thanks for giving me trust issues.

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Final Fantasy
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