8 Video Game Characters You Should Never Fall In Love With

4. Lance Vance - GTA: Vice City

final fantasy 7 crisis core zack

When it comes to betrayals and backstabbings, the Grand Theft Auto series is hard to beat, seeing as it routinely has you double-crossed by those slightly higher on the crime totem pole than you, and sometimes even gives you the option to punch down and ruin the lives of others for a few extra bucks.

What's that? You'll give me a Staples gift card for pushing my nan into oncoming traffic? That's....horrible...ew...I don't shop at Staples. Make that out to Cash and you've got a deal.

It's a franchise that basically teaches you that love and friendship are second to the almighty dollar and that you shouldn't trust people further than you can throw them off of a rooftop.

Still, though, that didn't take any of the sting out of Lance Vance's betrayal in GTA: Vice City who turned on Tommy once a better offer was on the table. It's a true shame as while the pair bickered back and forth like an old married couple, it always felt like they shared the same goal of sticking it to those who had wronged them and thus were bonded forever.

Plus some of the missions the pair engaged in together were some of the best in the game, but that all came crashing down when Lance got a little too greedy and had to be cashed out permanently.

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