8 Video Game Decisions You HAD To Make (Because You Weren't Levelled Enough)

4. Exploiting The Basilisk XP Farms - Baldur's Gate

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Cait Sith
Black Isle

In the vein of most older RPGs, the original Baldur's Gate has little mercy for the unprepared, ensuring that those who foolhardily head into battle without the stats to back it up will quickly get eviscerated.

And so, you might ultimately be compelled to take a sneaky shortcut by abusing an exploit in the game - one of the famed Basilisk XP farms.

There are several spots in the game which are rife with the reptilian Basilisks, which while extremely dangerous can net players some colossal XP rewards if they're able to defeat them.

And herein lies the trick - use the Cloak of Algernon to charm one of the Basilisks and force it to cast Petrify on another Basilisk, instantly killing the creature and scoring you a gigantic XP windfall.

But it doesn't end there - then use a Stone to Flesh scroll to undo the petrification effect, allowing you to swiftly repeat the action, hoover up tons of XP, and level up fast.

While not strictly in the spirit of Baldur's Gate's hardcore RPG style, for players who feel behind the 8-ball from the very start of the game, this is an ultra-efficient way to rebalance the scales.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.