8 Video Game Decisions You HAD To Make (Because You Weren't Levelled Enough)

3. Joining A Corporation - EVE Online

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Cait Sith

But perhaps no single video game in history is more hostile to newcomers than EVE Online - a space-faring MMO whose stories of intergalactic piracy and epic battles totalling thousands of human players are the stuff of legend.

It's a game that takes no prisoners from the jump, vomiting you into the endless void and leaving you kicking and screaming like the digital newborn you basically are.

As such, you'll be a ripe target for ne'er-do-wells who have decided to camp out at stargates in the hope of picking off unsuspecting players.

But the easiest way to avoid being torn apart like a metal chicken wing? Swiftly join one of the game's player corporations - effectively guilds which will immediately align you with other players. 

Given that many corporations will band together as a wider alliance, it can ultimately grant you a great deal of protection from being randomly ganked, as well as offer other advantages such as discounted wares and training.

As a wise man once said, live together, die alone.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.