8 Video Game Decisions You HAD To Make (Because You Weren't Levelled Enough)

2. Dropping The Difficulty For Cait Sith - Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Cait Sith
Square Enix

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is one of the year's most stunning gaming experiences, albeit not one without its polarising elements. Chief among them is the game's eleventh chapter, a large portion of which forces players to take control of Cait Sith - the Scottish-accented robotic cat they've probably been neglecting up to this point.

But much of Chapter 11's trip into Shina Manor focuses around Cait Sith as a mandatory main party member, and because an obnoxious box-throwing mini-game isn't tricky enough, you've also got to deal with numerous hellacious enemies solo.

Even tougher than the Yin & Yang boss fight is those two bastardly Adjudicators which will make short work of even relatively skilled players, enough that many evidently felt compelled to crank the difficulty down to Easy just to get past it.

Sometimes there aren't any fancy tricks to get out of a tricky situation when you're clearly unprepared for the task ahead - you've just gotta pinch your nose, bite the bullet, and play on Easy for a little bit. 

And hey, the pesky sting of Gamer Pride aside, there's nothing wrong with that.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.