8 Video Game Details That Went TOO FAR

1. Burning A Man Alive (To Open A Door) - God Of War

the last of us 2 eyes
Sony Computer Entertainment

When you're a seething mass of muscles and might as well have "I love revenge" tattoo'd on your head, you'd likely expect a lot of people to give you a wide berth or out and out try everything in their power to never have your shadow touch them.

This is likely why very few people have Kratos on their Christmas Cards list, as this God Of War truly will stop at nothing to get vengance meaning that he's murdered more that his fair share of innocents along the way.

Take for example the absolutely shocking scenario within the Temple of Pandora, where Kratos finds the way in blocked off. Now the devs, at this point, could have easily just have had the God Of War find a key or bust down the door using his brute strength, but for some reason, they decided that this particular door could only be opened with a human sacrifice.

Kratos then drops back from the gate and lowers a soldier who is trapped in a cage, who at first, is relieved that he's being saved from a terrible fate. Except the fate that's actually in store for him is even worse, something the soldier realizes as he's dragged at an agonizingly slow pace up to the entrance. He pleads with Kratos, asking what he's doing and that they can just return to Athens together, but it appears he's yelling into the void, as Kratos then burns the man alive in order to proceed.

It's a detail that's dragged out, unnecessarily cruel, and doesn't even further our relationship with Kratos as a character, making the whole affair feel like excess for excesses sake.

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