8 Video Game Easter Eggs Made Out Of Spite

2. Ha Ha Ha Room - Dirty Harry

Mercenaries 2

"Do I Feel Lucky? Well, Do Yah?...Punk?"

We all know these famous words, spit out with the utmost spite by rock-jawed Clint Eastwood in the all-timer of a film Dirty Harry, but it seems that this oft-quoted cinematic milestone takes on a totally different meaning when it came to the Dirty Harry video game for the NES.

For here, it seems that your luck has truly run out should you end up in the now Infamous "Ha Ha Ha" Easter Egg room, which one can accidentally stumble into while exploring one of the many, many apartment blocks in the game. In this room, the door to leave has been replaced with a bare wall with "Ha. Ha. Ha" written on it, meaning that escape is quite literally impossible and will force anyone looking to escape this prison to reset the game entirely!

It's one thing to include a joke room or secret that pokes fun at the player, but to bar all progress entirely and force a complete restart is a pretty vicious move no matter how you cut it. Thankfully the room only appears near the start of the game, but still, absolute boo all over this.

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