8 Video Game Easter Eggs Made Out Of Spite

1. Created By Warren Robinett - Adventure

Mercenaries 2

So how could an Easter Egg comprising solely of the words "Created By Warren Robinett" ever be construed as a secret made out of spite? Well my friend, this is an example of a developer hitting back at his bosses in a manner they specifically told him not to.

You see, at this point in time publishers Atari was, how best to put this...." the actual worst?".

Not only were they spending ludicrous amounts of money like it was going out of style, but precisely zero of those record-setting profits were being given to the developers. In fact, it seemed as if the higher-ups truly wanted to keep the power and control on top of the mountain as they demanded that no developer ever be credited in their games.

As you can imagine this didn't go down well with the devs, especially Warren Robinett, who took it upon himself to include an Easter Egg in the Atari 2600 title "Adventure" as a digital middle finger to his employers declaring that he made the game in question.

What makes this even more impressive is that this was also one of the first examples of a video game Easter Egg in general, making it a spiteful moment in history done to highlight the injustices of those at the top of the industry at the time.

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