8 Video Game Endings That Had More Questions Than Answers

2. Bloodborne

Alan Wake
From Software

The whole Souls-Borne series is a giant question mark, to be honest - from what little pieces of lore that can be uncovered through the convoluted narrative and strange, inhuman monsters, it still isn't really clear what the full story is in the world of all things weird.

Bloodborne is one of the main offenders for WTF moments though, forcing you to carefully consider all the items and terrains you come across along the way to discern exactly what's happening - your attempt to stop the blood-borne disease that is taking over residents of a gothic city - before turning into a baby squid, being picked up by a giant living doll, and cutting to black. Wait, what?

Forums have been dedicated to trying to figure out exactly what the heck is going on at any given time, with three interchangeable endings deemed 'good', 'bad', and 'true', each just as confusing as the last, without mention of the lore that remains as mysterious as ever. What are the true meanings of the bosses you fight? What are the messengers? What the hell just happened? Will the hunter's cycle continue? What does it mean to be an old one? Why are they squids?

Who knows...

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Alan Wake
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