8 Video Game Endings That Had More Questions Than Answers

1. The Last Of Us

Alan Wake
Naughty Dog

One of the defining narratives of video gaming as a whole, The Last Of Us had some absolutely mammoth balls to end on the note that it did. After hours of playing as the pragmatic and straightforward Joel, a father who lost his daughter but found a new one in Ellie, you're faced with the inevitable. Ellie, the one girl immune to the Cordyceps pandemic who has travelled across the country to share her genes with scientists who can create a cure, has to die.

Only, Joel won't let that happen.

Lying to her face after murdering the surgeons in cold blood, Joel tells Ellie that she's not the only one immune, and that there is no cure for the disease ravaging humanity. Ellie chooses to believe him.

What in the hell happens after that? Are there more people immune to the illness? Will Joel and Ellie just go and live and humble life at the power plant, pretending nothing terrible is happening? How can Joel live with himself knowing he lied? Does Ellie know the truth, is she choosing ignorance?

It's the perfect ambiguous ending, laying questions thick in the air before cutting to black and throwing up the finger to anyone thinking you're playing as a good person. Whilst it's likely we'll get SOME answers in The Last Of Us 2, the sheer guts it took to give Joel and Ellie this climax is impossible to beat.

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