8 Video Game Enemies That Required Perfect Playing To Beat

7. Genichiro First Encounter - Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

sifu game
From Software

While there are many, MANY Fromsoft bosses that are so punishing that they demand nothing less than perfection, for some reason Genichiro from Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice always sticks out like the turgid little prick he is when it comes to battles that forced you to fight at your best.

For starters, this fight (on a first playthrough at least) feels like it comes out of nowhere, and will leave the player feeling completely unprepared for the challenge. This coupled with the fact that Genichiro is a monumental step up in challenge to the goons and goofballs you've hacked your way through makes him a boss that can cut you in two in just as many seconds.

It's one of those fights that feels like you're barely able to get your bearings before you've been sliced and diced, which from a narrative perspective makes a lot of sense, you're rusty and this lad is the brand new shiny.

However, Fromsoft fans being what they are, sought to beat the snot out of this pretender and so set about learning his patterns, which as it turned out required perfect playing due to your glass-like health bar. Yet even if you do beat this bastard don't celebrate to early as Genichiro's men assist with a distraction leading to you losing your arm, and the fight either way.

As I said, he's an utter prick. What about honor in defeat mate?

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