8 Video Game Glitches Too Awesome To Hate

6. The Burning Zeppelin Tornado - Battlefield 1

Grand Theft Auto IV
EA & YouTube: Dave_AK

When moving fast or sliding around a ton just isn't cool enough, what about a flaming zeppelin that creates a fire-nado? The confusingly-monikered Battlefield 1's got you covered.

Within days of the game's release, players uncovered a gorgeously destructive glitch where instead of crashing to the ground, a destroyed zeppelin suddenly levitates vertically into the sky as if being hoisted up by God themselves.

And then, pure poetry happens.

After a beat, the upright zeppelin will suddenly start violently spinning around, resembling a flaming tornado all while emitting walls of fire in every direction throughout the map, as though somebody gave the apocalypse a jump-start.

And to make the effect even eerier, after around 10 seconds of the zeppelin vomiting fresh, fiery hell at everybody on the server, the blimp will suddenly pop out of thin air and apparently exit the whole damn universe.

All these years later, it's still never been confirmed precisely what triggers the glitch, but it sure does produce an unforgettable, oddly beautiful, and yet totally terrifying end result.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.