8 Video Game Glitches Too Awesome To Hate

5. The Skyrim Space Program - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Grand Theft Auto IV

Here's a glitch so awesome that Bethesda never even bothered patching it out, and if they ever did, Skyrim's industrious modding community would just mod it right back in anyway.

When a Giant slams its massive club down upon you, there's a non-zero chance it'll catapult you into the air, because why the hell not?

And when we say "catapult you into the air," we're not talking about 20 or 30 feet - you're going thousands of feet into the air like a goddamn rocket.

And of course, what goes up most come down, and so you'll be treated to the hilarious sight of your character's limp corpse cartwheeling through the air as they careen back down towards terra firma.

Fans have lovingly dubbed the glitch the "Skyrim Space Program," and given that not a single solitary soul has ever complained about the bug's presence, it's more-or-less become a feature - albeit not one that Bethesda actually intended.

As for the reason behind the glitch? It's apparently a quirk of Skyrim's combat system, whereby excess damage dealt following the player's death is converted into force and momentum, resulting in you being granted involuntary, posthumous powers of flight.

Seriously, has anyone ever managed to keep a straight face while witnessing this glitch?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.