8 Video Game Glitches Too Awesome To Hate

4. Press X To Shaun - Heavy Rain

Grand Theft Auto IV
Quantic Dream

The funniest glitches are typically those which end up invading Serious Games and making it impossible to see them as anything but a farce, and that's why we love Heavy Rain's "Press X to Shaun" bug so damn much.

In the game's final chapter, it's possible to trigger a glitch where protagonist Ethan shouts "Shaun!" - the name of his kidnapped son - every time the player presses the X button.

By holding L2, selecting one of the thought bubbles that appears and approaching the nearby drywell while Ethan is speaking, players will be able to make Ethan shout "Shaun!" on command at any time for the rest of the chapter.

Naturally this incentivises players to spam the X button as Ethan's story plays out, ensuring he straight-up screams his son's name over not only the killer's monologuing, but his own dialogue too.

To make it somehow even better, Ethan's mouth actually moves every time he says the name, with the word "Shaun" also flashing up on screen.

In a game that takes itself so deathly seriously, such a gut-bustingly ridiculous glitch couldn't be more jarringly out of place - and yet totally freakin' awesome. One can easily picture the rage that director David Cage felt as his baby was rendered a giddy laughing stock online.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.