8 Video Game Glitches Too Awesome To Hate

3. The Pause Glitch - Mega Man

Grand Theft Auto IV

Sometimes the simplest glitches are the best, especially when they give you an easy leg-up in a balls-hard game that's been grinding your sanity and patience to dust.

Case in point, we have the original NES version of Mega Man, which allows players to pause the game with the Select button.

If you do so while firing a projectile at an enemy, quickly unpausing and re-pausing the game will trick the game into registering additional hits on them, theoretically allowing you to defeat bosses in a mere matter of seconds.

Given how many broken controllers and how much collective raised blood pressure that damn, dirty Yellow Devil boss is responsible for, being able to spank him to hell in seconds is about as satisfying as gaming has ever gotten.

Though subsequent ports of the game prevented players from abusing this exploit, Capcom did at least restore it for both the Mega Man Anniversary Collection and Mega Man Legacy Collection re-releases.

Considering many players can't even beat the game without using the pause glitch, it was certainly the right call to bring it back.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.