8 Video Game Monsters That Were Absolutely Terrifying (Until You Saw Them)

7. The Manpigs - Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs

amnesia a machine for pigs manpig
Chinese Room

Harbouring what's easily one of the most effective and outright terrifying atmospheres of all time, the beginning hours of A Machine for Pigs are Victorian goth-horror done exquisitely well.

Travelling through dank, cobbled streets and continually hearing bumps in the distance or behind you, you'll uncover notes and documentation about the horrors that other individuals have seen (or been killed by). Talks of a 'half-man, half-pig' hybrid paint all sorts of pictures in your mind, and the squeals that echo from the other side of many doorways or from around corners do the rest.

This is petrifying, and it's a testament to how much your imagination runs wild with expectation, that any developer (in this case, The Chinese Room) can just never match.

When you finally get eyes on any of the Manpigs, sadly, they look and animate terribly. It feels as though the entire game's budget went into the environments and sound effects, leaving nothing for the character models that were so essential to the full package.

Less Piggsy from Manhunt and more Porky Pig after being homeless for a month, these creatures ended up tanking the entire experience.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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