8 Video Game Rewards Hidden In The End Credits

4. The True Ending - Nier: Automata

Sonic Colors

Nier fans should probably know by now that the end credits don't really mean squat where game completion is concerned, and for those who kept forging ahead to unlock the game's many endings, there was a surprise in store for the final main one.

Beat both Ending C and Ending D and when the credits roll once again, after about a minute you'll receive a message from Pod 153, who will ask permission to perform a data check due to the end credits being muddied by "data noise."

If you accept, you'll be asked if you want to salvage some data, and if you answer in the affirmative again, Ending E will begin, with players taking part in a brutally difficult bullet hell-style mini-game spawned from the credits themselves.

Death is inevitable, and if you die enough, you'll be given the option of getting assistance from other players, who agreed to delete their save data in order to help other players beat the ending.

Once you get through it, you'll then be offered the same choice, to sacrifice your save file to add turrets to the ending for another player, in turn making it much easier to get through.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.