8 Video Game Rewards Hidden In The End Credits

3. The Dungeons & Dragons Skit - Summoner

Sonic Colors

If you're much of a Dungeons and Dragons fan, there's a good chance you'll be familiar with the immortal D&D skit performed by improv comedy troupe The Dead Alewives.

Written by future Community and Rick and Morty creator Dan Harmon, the 1996 audio skit makes fun of the various controversies which surrounded D&D throughout the 1980s, namely conservative groups accusing it of promoting Satanism, occultism, and witchcraft.

It's remained a popular sketch ever since it debuted, and hilariously made its way into the cult classic 2000 action-RPG Summoner. 

By choosing to view the credits from the game's main menu and then pressing X while the credits are rolling, a computer-animated video of the sketch will start playing, including not only Summoner's protagonist Joseph, but also an NPC from developer Volition's next game, Red Faction.

Without sufficient context it might seem like a bit of an odd Easter egg to include in the game, but even if you've never heard of the Dead Alewives, it sure is hilarious.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.