8 Video Game Side Missions That BROKE YOU

4. Drowned Sorrows - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Spider Man 2

Bethesda certainly know how to deliver a heart-rending side quest, and they've arguably never done it better than in Skyrim's "Drowned Sorrows."

The quest requires you to find out what happened to Isabelle Rolaine, the lover of Ranmir. Since Isabelle disappeared, Ranmir has been left a devastated, alcoholic wreck, believing that she ran off with a thief named Vex.

However, Vex reveals that Isabelle ventured off to Hob's Fall Cave to try and find a valuable object which would make her and Ranmir some much-needed money. 

When you head there yourself, though, you'll find Isabelle's stripped, frozen corpse accompanied by a note.

The note, addressed to Ranmir, backs up Vex's claim that she only left to try and make some money which would allow her and Ranmir to live worry-free forever more. But alas, during her journey she was killed by... something.

As sad as it all is, players do get a small measure of catharsis though, as bringing the letter to Ranmir finally gives him closure over Isabelle's disappearance, at which point he vows to cut down on his drinking.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.