8 Video Game Skills You Wished You Never Bought

5. Chest Opening Speed - One Piece World Seeker

shadow of mordor
Bandai Namco


Ok, let's talk about One Piece World. So I really, really wanted to like this game as the concept of an open-world One Piece game is tantamount to my most wished-for experiences ever. Imagine the joy of sailing from continent to continent on the Going Merry and encountering all of the madness that this series is known for, and the great battles and friendships you'd encounter along the way. Yet there's a reason we're not holding this game aloft as we are the likes of Elden Ring and Tears Of The Kingdom, and that's because this game was so down the middle that it just slipped under the waves into obscurity.

It's not that it did anything particularly wrong, it's just so unremarkable for the most part that there wasn't any staying power for the Straw Hats this time around.

That being said, I will most definitely roast this game for one specific decision, that being it's ridiculous inclusion of the "open chests faster" skill. As you might expect in a game about pirates, treasure chests are rather abundant, and you'll eagerly approach them in order to ransack them, only to be met with a twenty-five-second opening animation. Now listen here pal, if there's one thing I hate in video games outside of unskippable tutorials on New Game Plus modes, it's lengthy animations for no reason other than to make people pay to circumnavigate them.

And that's exactly what the open chests' faster skill does, cutting that time down so you can loot that little bit quicker. And I say "little bit" because it only reduces the time by 25% and unlocks another upgrade which takes it to 50%.

I'm sorry but what purpose does this serve other than literally wasting my time just so you can sell me a means to save me time?

Annoyingly it's a perk that you pretty much HAVE to buy, but you'll spend every waking moment wishing you'd never had to.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.