8 Video Game Villains Who Wanted YOU To Win

7. Dr. Neo Cortex - Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

Far cry 5
Naughty Dog

Crash Bandicoot 2 sees Crash's nemesis, Dr. Neo Cortex, attempt to trick the loveable but admittedly gullible bandicoot into doing his bidding. 

At the start of the game, Cortex tells Crash that an upcoming planetary alignment will cause a solar flux capable of destroying Earth, but that if Crash is able to collect 25 pink power crystals strewn across the land, he can use them to prevent the catastrophe.

And so, Cortex is quite enthusiastically rooting for you to hoover up the crystals from each of the game's levels, but planet-saving of course isn't his real motivation. 

He actually wants to use the crystals to power his Cortex Vortex, which will in turn let him transform everyone on Earth into his brainwashed slaves, because why the heck not?

This then forces Crash to head into space and battle Cortex before he can use the crystals, ultimately leaving the baddie stranded in outer space - until the next game, that is.

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Far Cry 5
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.