8 Video Game Villains Who Wanted YOU To Win

5. Face McShooty - Borderlands 2

Far cry 5

While Face McShooty is technically one of the few non-hostile psychos you'll encounter throughout the Borderlands franchise, he's still more of a villain than a hero, if only because he's so damn annoying to listen to.

In Borderlands 2, McShooty will simply stand around the area of Thousand Cuts and scream that he wishes for someone to shoot him in the face, and he's serious enough about it that he'll even offer you a mission aptly called "Shoot This Guy in the Face."

If you acquiesce and agree to put the guy out of... whatever's going on with him, he'll even quickly shout "Thank you!" as he flops to the ground post-headshot, and you'll pop the achievement "Well That Was Easy" for your troubles.

Fun fact: if you try to shoot him anywhere else but the face, it won't have any effect on him whatsoever, and he'll just keep screaming until you plug him in the head.

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Far Cry 5
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.