8 Video Game Villains Who Wanted YOU To Win

4. Darth Traya - Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

Far cry 5

With Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II, we have another case of a villain who wants the hero to succeed in their goal because they secretly align themselves with said hero and dupe them into doing their bidding.

Throughout the game, players control a former Jedi Knight who has been exiled from the Jedi Order, and are accompanied by a Jedi mentor by the name of Kreia, who aids them in their mission to track down reclusive Jedi Masters in order to fight back against the Sith.

Except, at the end of the story we learn that Kreia is actually the Sith Lord Darth Traya, and was banking on the Exile locating each of the Jedi Masters so she could cut them off from the Force, as part of her wider mission to wound the Force so severely that it dies out entirely.

Players are able to decide for themselves how they deal with the Jedi Masters - either killing them in revenge for being exiled or teaming up with them. 

If you decide to team up, Kreia will kill all the Jedi Masters at the end of the game while attempting to cut them off from the Force, but if you kill them yourself in pure cold-blooded revenge, Kreia will attack you for falling to the Dark Side.

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Far Cry 5
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.