8 Video Games RUINED By Microtransactions

5. Star Trek: Trexels

Dead or alive 6
Xcube Games

Long before EA's Dungeon Keeper abomination was stinking up the joint and Final Fantasy: All The Bravest showed how little respect Square Enix had for its fans and their disposable income, a little title for iOS called Star Trek: Trexels was making a name for itself for all the wrong reasons.

Now on paper, the game sounds like an absolute blast. Build your own crew, manage your own ship, tackle adventures, and solve mysteries all under the banner of the classic Star Trek IP, however, things fall off the rails pretty quickly as soon as you hit the second map area. I say this because it's here that the game reveals what it truly is, a desperate money grab.

The first few levels are devoid of anything nefarious outside of an insistence to give the game a five-star rating, however as soon as you hit the second area, the paywall microtractions arrive in relentless fashion. You are forced to wait to do everything and anything, from improving sections of your ship, mining resources, attempting missions, and buying upgrades. The game basically just puts up its hand and blocks you from progress until you cough up the dough.

And these aren't small wait times either, they can be hours or even days. Days. to simply wait to do one action. Awful.


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