8 Video Games RUINED By Microtransactions

3. Dead Or Alive 6

Dead or alive 6
Team Ninja

While some video game developers are content to try and Del Boy us out of a few quid here and therewith content that arguably should have just been unlockables, Dead or Alive 6 turned themselves into a T.I.T of epic proportions by turning quite literally everything into a microtransaction.

As mind-boggling as it is to believe, Dead Or Alive 6 at the time of writing has a whopping 460 pieces of DLC on Steam. Seriously I think even the individual flagstones that make up some stages are up for purchase, not that I can check because who has the !*$% time, patience, or indeed money to check through all that dross?

However one thing, in particular, that does stick out like a very sore middle finger is the cheeky charge forced on players looking to change the color of their character's hair, namely because this DLC isn't a full unlock for the color and that it will charge you again to change hairstyles again down the line! Talk about throwing shade right?

And for those at home with the calculators out, that's a £55 game with, let me just check the results, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED POUNDS OF DLC.

Whatever you think of the actual game itself, this DLC swamp is an utter embarrassment.


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