8 Video Games RUINED By Microtransactions

2. Marvels Avengers

Dead or alive 6
Square Enix

“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”

Now, while these words ironically come from Marvel's biggest competitor DC in the form of Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Night" it truly fits the state Marvel's Avengers video game found itself in, because this is a title that truly lost sight of the light.

A video game comprising of the mightiest heroes in all of comics should have been a home run for Square Enix and its developers Crystal Dynamics, however, things turned very "cape caught in turbine" for the project when critics started Hulk smashing the game apart for its lacklustre story and weak, repetitive gameplay.

In response, Square Enix hit the "oh god we need to make our money back however we can" button, and ordered not just a slew of cosmetic items to be added as microtransactions, but snuck in consumable power-ups that shattered a promise made by devs to the paying public.

In the press lead-in to the game's launch, Crystal Dynamics promised that the game would not be pay to win, and that all microtransactions would be cosmetic. However, thanks to studio pressure, consumable buff items were placed into the game-changing the tone dramatically. When fans also noticed that patches and updates increased the grind, thus pushing players towards buying these consumables, the writing was on the wall.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.