8 Video Games That Just Aren't As Good As You Remember

5. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

elder scrolls morrowind

It always amuses me when you see Steam ratings for video games on PC as there's actually a lot more going on than you might first assume. For example, a 10/10 game rating is a pretty common sight, but it's not actually indicative of the game itself, and more so the experience with mods added to it which can take even mediocre titles into orbit.

Morrowind is one such game, as if we are being truly, brutally honest, this game needs mods to even be playable in this day and age. For a start, the title looks like you could cut beef on its edges, and moves so slowly that erosion looks nippy. Seriously getting from one town to another by foot reminds me of early DayZ experiences *shudder*

If you hoped that the combat between these lengthy journeys would pull you in, then I hope you brought your pray-station because RNG-esus is in effect here, rolling enough dice to make a Dungeons and Dragons DM sweat as it tries to figure out what you're hitting, or to be more specific, how badly you're missing.

The story, the lore, the world-building of this game are immensely rich and worth diving into, but the game itself constantly feels like it's holding you at arm's length from actually enjoying things.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.