8 Video Games That Made You Hate Yourself

5. The Climb 2

GTA Definitive Edition

Let's consider an altogether different brand of game-induced self-loathing now, with a VR title that makes you use muscles you forgot you had years ago and leave you an achy, gibbering wreck.

We're talking, of course, about The Climb 2, a much-improved sequel to 2016's original first-person virtual reality climbing simulator. 

The setup is simple - with a Meta Quest strapped to your noggin, you need to climb cliffs and skyscrapers, using your controllers to reach into the sky and grab handholds to propel yourself further and higher.

Thanks to the tactile gameplay and gorgeous visuals, The Climb 2 is one of the most immersive VR games on the market, selling the illusion of hanging hundreds of feet off the ground with a queasy, sweaty-palmed verisimilitude.

But more than that, a lengthy play session can be incredibly physically strenuous.

Outstretching your arms for long periods of time will likely result in some serious aches and pains the next day, at which point you might wonder why a damn video game is making you do this at all.

It's certainly not bad for your physical wellbeing overall, and it's a terrific game, although one that might also make you question your choices when your muscles start burning after you've spent 30 uninterrupted minutes scaling a cliff face.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.