8 Video Games That Would Work Perfectly As TV Shows

6. Watch Dogs

God Of War Netflix

Hackers haven't often been accurately portrayed in media. Overused tropes and cliches have plagued most portrayals to create pretty humdrum viewing experiences void of any memorable qualities. Almost always they are over stylised for added effect which often falls flat.

One of the best so far is the TV show Mr Robot. Watch Dogs admittedly took a slightly more stylised route with their take, but for an interactive gaming experience that's what you need and they still did their research to make the core ideals correct. A Watch Dogs TV series has the opportunity to take the accuracy that makes Mr Robot work so well and mix in the action from the games to make a very entertaining show.

Instead of transferring any of the protagonists from the game they would be better off starting afresh with a brand new set of characters still based in the world. A cat and mouse scenario set around a DedSec member and an ex-DedSec Blume employee as they try to track each other down one minute and evade each other the next would fit perfectly.

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God of War
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