8 Video Games That Would Work Perfectly As TV Shows

4. Hitman

God Of War Netflix
IO Interactive

Hitman has also already been made into a film. Two actually: 2007's Hitman and 2015's Hitman: Agent 47. Neither had good box office takings and both were critical disappointments. They failed to capture the essence of what makes the Hitman games great. But they shouldn't act as a cautionary tale that the Hitman franchise is impossible to adapt well. It just hasn't been done right yet. It hasn't been done for TV.

Agent 47 and his various missions would transfer well into a non-linear narrative series, where each target plays a part in an overarching story line separate from any told before in the games. Elements that have already been established such as Agent 47's origin can be included in various flashbacks, but a different plot that hasn't already been played out in the games would be best.

A pilot script has already been written for Hulu by the John Wick creator Derek Kolstad. What approach he will take with the story remains to be seen, but the fact that he has already established himself as a successful action writer and taking into account the similarities between the two franchises, I think we can rest easy that whatever comes of it, it will be good.

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God of War
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Jade Nolan hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.