8 Video Games That Would Work Perfectly As TV Shows

3. The Last Of Us

God Of War Netflix
Naughty Dog

The Last Of Us features one of the greatest stories ever told in a video game. So it's no surprise that Naughty Dog has had a film adaptation planned for a while, though its production has never picked up any substantial momentum. In spite of this, The Last Of Us would be better suited to become a TV series.

Almost every part of the game has a lasting effect on the state of the story, the characters, or the relationships between characters. With the first games main campaign lasting between 12 and 16 hours and the Left Behind DLC being just over two hours in length, cutting down the story to fit into the constraints of a film would only cause harm, and could affect the overall emotional impact. Which is at the core of what makes The Last Of Us such a masterpiece.

Because of the perfectly crafted world in which The Last Of Us takes place, there are multiple directions a series could take. Ellie and Joel could still be the main focus and it could follow the same narrative that was told in the game to similar success. Or they could take different approaches.

A different protagonist, or protagonists, could be featured who are on their own journey for survival. Or they could portray multiple tales and delve deeper into the various factions and survivor groups that have formed in the post-apocalyptic world

With The Last Of Us Part 2's upcoming release, the all-encompassing story line will only get bigger. Making more of a point that it would only work as a TV show.

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God of War
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