8 Video Games That Would Work Perfectly As TV Shows

2. Red Dead Redemption

God Of War Netflix

The odds of Red Dead Redemption actually becoming a TV series are very low. Rockstar's games are among the most successful entertainment products in history, so there is no need for them to take the risk with allowing someone else to have creative control over a film or TV adaptation of one of their properties.

However, the fact that it's unlikely to be made doesn't take away from how it should be made, and how great it would be if it was.

There are different paths that the series could take. They could portray the stories of Arthur and John from the games, or cover another protagonist searching for their own redemption in the wild west. They could be a character who is completely original to the show or a side character from Arthur and John's stories, such as Sadie or Charles; who both have stories that continue after the events of Red Dead Redemption 2 that could be portrayed over the course of single or multiple seasons.

Even if they did go down the route of a brand new protagonist, if they keep them in the existing world in towns such as Armadillo and Valentine and do small references to Dutch's gang through newspapers or conversations between characters, then existing fans would still be invested because of the connections to the games.

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God of War
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