8 Video Games That Would Work Perfectly As TV Shows

1. Horizon Zero Dawn

God Of War Netflix

Horizon Zero Dawn came out of nowhere. It was a complete redirection for the developers Guerrilla Games, who were known for the Killzone franchise, to come out with an ambitious action-adventure game centred around the playable protagonist Aloy, as she seeks to discover the truth of her birth.

The world of Horizon would transfer extremely well as it has all the elements that make a great epic scale, cinematic TV series. This includes the beautifully crafted world and the rich lore of all those who inhabit it, Aloy as a three dimensional main character who pushes the story forward with the decisions she makes, the meaningful story that pulls you in and makes you become invested and care while also featuring worthy twists and turns, and the fitting conclusion that brings the story to a close while also leaving room for more coupled with an intrigue to know what comes after.

With The Frozen Wilds DLC adding on hours of content to the story and a sequel to the main game highly likely, there will be more to transfer to the series as time goes on.

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