8 Video Games Where YOU Are The Final Boss

4. Evolve

mass effect shepard
Turtle Rock Studios

Now in all honesty you could really put any asymmetrical multiplayer title in place of this entry but I figured that this dubious honor should go to the even more dubious Evolve seeing as it really put the idea of "One Vs The World" smack bang into the video game mainstream.

Here we find a team of players taking up the role of hunters, tasked with just one mission, to bring down a gargantuan monster that is controlled by another player. Oh and to stay as a group which for some reason is constantly ignored by at least one member usually leading to a party wipe later on.

I'm not bitter. I swear I'm not.

While all of this infighting is going on, the other player draped in their best Scooby-Doo robes is off hunting the wildlife in order to evolve into an even more powerful being, likely doing so while chuckling "this isn't even my final form!" As such it's a game where you create your own villain arc, moving from a relative weakling with a grudge to an all-powerful world-ending entity.

And trust me there is no purer pleasure than dropping onto the hunters with a fully beefed up super-squid, nailing them with special attacks, separating each member, and then devouring them whole. In their eyes, you truly are the final boss and it's a role that many were more than happy to step into.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.