8 Video Games Where YOU Are The Final Boss

3. Metal Gear Solid

mass effect shepard

Every time I have to talk about Metal Gear Solid in these lists, I break out in a sweat akin to Fatman being told he can't have a stick of lard in his soda as "sir that's not on the menu and we are a solicitors firm" as with a plot as complex and interweaving as that presented in this franchise it's easy to get lost and make mistakes that die-hards will call you out on.

For example, even talking about Metal Gear Solid's final boss Liquid Snake is tough because while he's most definitely Solid Snake's evil twin and most definitely qualifies for this list, technically you're both evil twins as you were made through the cloning of Big Boss.

Plus there's the insinuation that of the two Solid Snakes is the more evil of the two, with Psycho Mantis calling you "true evil" during your encounter, plus several of your allies commenting on how Solid Snake seems to enjoy war and killing.

To add even more insane petrol to our burning brains, as you're a clone who's most definitely got a fair share of skeletons in the closet, that means that during the original NES Metal Gear when you take on Outer Heaven and reveal Big Boss to be its leader, it means that to him, you're the evil invader coming in and messing up his plans as the game reaches its closing moments.

So yeah, the next time you play as Solid Snake, just remember you're playing as a pretty horrific and evil clone, and no amount of sick skateboarding tricks should make you forget that.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.