8 Video Games Where YOU Are The Final Boss

2. F-Zero GX

mass effect shepard

Now here we come to the curious case of F-Zero GX, which is spoken of in hushed circles of video game purists as one of the best racing experiences ever put to disc, and when you witness the sheer speed and lightning-quick reactions of the top players of this title it's hard to argue as you will need to become one with your machine if you're to survive even a single lap on Expert difficulty.

The reason why this is a curious entry on this list is because while F-Zero X introduced us to your typical clone gone rogue in the form of Blood Hawk and that said shadowy racer was unlocked after beating every challenge the game has to offer on the highest difficulty, in GX there's no way this pretender to the throne could be counted as the games final boss.

I say that because the true final test of this game's story mode is a one-on-one race with one of the game's designers, as you must battle a staff ghost and race perfectly on a track without any walls whatsoever, meaning that you'll be sipping on a delicious cocktail of pain and humility for days to come.

For one person out there, this truly is a boss battle where they are the final boss, racing against their own set time... and likely failing a lot in the process.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.